Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Salam ladies and gentlement, now I present U my new collection of silks...These are all jacquard exclusive type silks [except for the antique silk]. Enjoy your shopping!

Antique silk: bring us back to our grandma's / great grandma's memories...

1. Antique Pink Silk RM280

2. Antique Orange-Pink silk RM280

3.Purple-blue-rainbow silk RM 279

4. Green elegant silk RM279

5. Golden Xpensive silk RM279

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Sorry for the 'silence' of my blog... It's just becoz i dont have time to take picture of my silks and also my silks are easily sold out...Soon I will post up a few silks on this blog... so u all can take a look and if interested u can always contact me without hesitation!!! :) My silk is exchangeable (in same good condition and the postage is paid by u), if u dont like the color/design when u received it.